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Algae Energy Technologies
Solix Biofuels * GreenFuel Technologies Corporation * Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation * Global Green Solutions Inc. * OriginOil™, Inc. * Valcent Products Inc. * Texas Clean Fuels (TCF) * GS CleanTech Corporation * PetroAlgae * LiveFuels Inc. AlgaeLink® or Algaefuels.org & BioKing Enhanced Biofuels & Technologies Ltd. Infinifuel Corporation Oil Fox S.A. Cell FarmsTM International Energy, Inc. Bioenergy Investment Firms Diversified Energy Corporation XL Renewables Khosla Ventures Algae Biological Laboratories Algatechnologies, Ltd. Bioprodukte Prof. Steinberg Solazyme Biological research laboratories: Applied Biosystems Synthetic Genomics Inc LS9, Inc., the Renewable Petroleum CompanyTM French Laboratories Research: GEPEA - Photobioréacteur Pour La Production D'hydrogène Chez Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii: Swanny Fouchard & Laurence Pottier Algae Documentation The Seaweed Site LiveFuels Inc. Oilgae.com GreenTechnoLog PESWiki.com Algae Research Universities: Biological Electricity The University of Queensland Cornell University Washington University in St. Louis - The Angenent Lab - The Record Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment Penn State The Energy Institute Engineering Penn State Researchers in the Bruce Logan group at Penn State University are working on methods to economically produce Hydrogen From Garbage, hydrogen from waste materials. Microbial Fuel Cell Agricultural and Life science Universities Cornell Universities - Johannes Lehmann - Grassbioenergy.org - Forages.org School of Biological and Environmental Engineering CBEE UGA Biorefinery University of Georgia Welsh Energy Research Centre research groups from the Universities of Cardiff, Swansea, Glamorgan and Bangor, and from the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research Wales Biomass Centre Wales Biomass Centre is an umbrella name for the various energy crop research projects. Biodiesel Pacific Natural Energy introduces the most efficient and functional mobile biodiesel processing units that can easily convert vegetable oil into biodiesel. The processing unit is a turn-key mini plant that has the ability to adapt its use to all different types of new and used vegetable oil and fats. |
Biological Research foundation
Biomass Energy Foundation Woodgas Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF) Biomass Energy & Carbon BIOCAP Canada SUPERGEN Biomass and Bioenergy IEA Bioenergy - IEA BCC - IEA-biogas National Energy Foundation European Biomass Association GasNet - PyNE Biomass Pyrolysis Network Biopact Fondation Tuck AEA Energy & Environment France Biotech Biomass Conversion & Utilization Technologies (Ethanol & synthetic fuels Process): BIOeCON BIOeCON has developed a simple non-energy intensive way to make the woody biomass accessible to catalysts and convert to a bio-oil product. Dynamotive Energy Systems CarbonNegative.info - Eprida Novozymes is the world leader in bio-innovations. Genencor innovative enzymes Codexis enzymes for use in chemical manufacturing processes Dynamotive Energy Systems Corp. FirmGreen Energy , Inc. identifying, developing and commercializing new and emerging technologies and energy systems that promise to play an increasingly important role in the world's energy mix. Green Star Products, Inc. Range Fuels (cellulosic ethanol) SunDiesel® Eprida biomass to produce hydrogen-rich bio-fuels and a new restorative high-carbon fertilizer (ECOSS) Bioengineering Resources, Inc. BEST Energies, Inc. Mascoma ethanol production from cellulosic biomass POET Cellulosic Ethanol Abengoa Bioenergy conversion of biomass Syntroleum Corporation Integrated Environmental Technologies the premier provider of plasma-based waste processing and clean energy systems, has developed the proprietary Plasma Enhanced Melter ("PEM™") system that transforms virtually any type of waste material into valuable commercial products including: ultra clean fuels Biomass Technology Group BTG has proven to be leading as an innovative company in the bio-energy field Nova Biosource Fuels, Inc. Manufacture and installation of BioDiesel plants Xenerga Biorefineries Advanced BioRefinery Inc. * Agri-THERM Ltd. BioDieselMach ** Biogas Plants Luethe-heide.de Fresenius VSO biogas Fertigaz (Fr) GAH Global ltd. Spark Energy BTAL GreenForze Huo Long Biogas Energyblog in french Leblogenergie.com |
Bioenergy International organisation
International Energy Agency IEA Bioenergy - IEA BCC - IEA-biogas Biopact ICARE Laboratory of Energy Systems Governmental science research Centers Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Uk Public power company TVA.gov - Generation Partners U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy portales and Review Fossilfreedom.com **** RenewableEnergyAccess.com American Energy Independence Alternative Energy news.info - EnergyPlanet.info Bioweb.sungrant.org educational website Biofuel Review Green Conferencing Solutions EnvironmentalResearchWeb CADDET website - a unique source of information on commercial energy-saving and renewable energy technologies. BiotechInfo Diffusion Biobutanol ButylFuel™, LLC (Butanol.com) Green Biologics Bioenergy Jatropha Investment Firms Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel Jatropha Curcas Bio Diesel S.A. Jatropha Africa-Ghana Jatropha Alliance Project Jatropha Jatropha Report Jatropha non-profit organisation Diligent Tanzania Ltd Jatropha World.org Jatropha Biodiesel.org Jatropha.de Jatropha plant suppliers Jatropha Seeds Jatrophacurcas.net Tropilab® Inc. Terasol LABS Jatropha ducumentations MGR biodiesel Jatropha-Fuel Gambia Oliomobile Gouvernemental Associations PCRA biofuels Oil plants Research centers Terasol LABS Catalyst technologies Acta's HYPERMEC catalysts have demonstrated excellent power performance with a very wide range of fuels. Reed Grass energy Nád MPS-H Kft. a bio-mass research firm dealing with the planting and farming of a special type of "energy reed" in Hungary Biodiesel Equipment: BioKing HomeBiodieselKits.com Cellpharm Biodieselforum.co.uk Agrobiology: natural technology Carbon-negative portals Terra Preta Eprida Biochar Organizations and consulting International Biochar Initiative Biochar.org ThermalNet Agrobiology Research laboratories Soil Foodweb Valcent Products Inc. Biofuelwatch |