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Australia Stock Exchange Economy & Finances |
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Australian Stock Exchange |   | " The Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) was formed in 1987 through the amalgamation of six independent stock exchanges that formerly operated in the state capital cities. Each of those exchanges had a history of share trading dating back to the 19th century. See history of the market for more information.
ASX was originally a mutual organisation of stockbrokers, like its predecessor State stock exchanges. However, in 1996, its members decided to demutualise and become a listed company, which required legislation of the Australian parliament. The change of status took place on 13 October 1998, and the following day ASX shares were listed for trading on ASX's own market. ASX operates Australia’s primary national stock exchange for equities, derivatives and fixed interest securities. It also provides comprehensive market data and information to a range of users... " more
| New Zealand Exchange Limited | 
|  | " The New Zealand Exchange Limited With demutualisation complete, the New Zealand Stock Exchange had a new strategic focus - to grow the markets and unlock value for all market participants. As a result of a strategic review put in place by new Chief Executive Mark Weldon, it was decided that a new name would be necessary to represent the newly formed organisation more accurately and enable the company to communicate its intention to operate with a new mandate of growth, profitability and change. By renaming the organisation, the company signalled to the market that it was not only taking on a new image and name, but a new mandate and a new focus..." more
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