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Archery Organizations and Associations |
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International Archery Federation | | The international governing body of archery is the International Archery Federation (FITA). Founded on the 4th of September, 1931 in Lwow, Poland, by seven countries (France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Poland, the United States, Hungary, and Italy), FITA serves to promote and regulate archery world-wide through its more than 130 Member Associations (National Federations or Associations) and in conformity with the Olympic principles. It aims at framing and interpreting the FITA Rules and arranging for the organization of World Championships and other international competitions.
401,817 |
National Archery Association |  | The National Archery Association (NAA) of the United States was formed in 1879 to foster and promote the sport of archery through tournaments, programs and publications. Today, the NAA and its allied organizations have over 30,000 members. The NAA is the only organization recognized by the United States Olympic Committee for the purpose of selecting and training men's and women's archery teams to represent the U.S. in the Olympic Games and Pan American Games. The NAA also selects teams for the World Championships and other international meets. The NAA's National Office is located in the National Sports Building at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a subsidiary office at the USOC/ARCO Training Center in Chula Vista, California.
915,220 |
Archery Shooter's Association |  | “The ASA Federation is dedicated to providing services and programs that will assist clubs in attracting members and maintaining their financial viability.”
891,908 |
Nat. Bowhunter Educ. Foundation | 2,241,434 |
International Bowhunting Ass. |  | “The IBO was created in 1984 by a dedicated group with the mutual desire to ensure that bowhunting and the ideals of wildlife conservation will survive, expand and flourish to be shared, enjoyed and passed on to future generations. By its charter, the statement of purpose of the International Bowhunting Organization is: "To promote, encourage and foster the sport of bowhunting; further bowhunter education; act as a political coordinator and liaison for the protection and advancement of bowhunting--function as a clearinghouse for essential bowhunter information; and--adhere to the basic ideal of the unification of bowhunters."
1,941,055 |
Internation. Field Archery Ass. |  | The International Field Archery Association (IFAA), represents the Sport of Field Archery at International level. Through its site, links to affiliated national field archery associations are provided through which links to their affiliated organizations, Clubs etc., are possible. The website also includes rules, scores and records and the international event calender of the IFAA
National Field Archery Association |  | The National Field Archery Association (NFAA), represents the Sport of Field Archery at National level. The website also includes rules, scores and records and the national event calender of the NFAA.
2,015,857 |
SCGA |  | Seminole County Gun and Archery Association (SCGAA) is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the safe and lawful use of firearms, protecting the second amendment rights of its members and providing a safe and enjoyable place to shoot. We are affiliated with the National Rifle Association, Unified Sportsmen of Florida, Civilian Marksmanship Program, National Association of Shooting Ranges, and Florida Sports Shooting Association. SCGAA provides numerous training and competitive events throughout the year that are open to the public as well as club members.
Grand National Archery Society | | " The Grand National Archery Society is the governing body for the sport of archery in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Society serves nine Regional Societies. Archery has over a hundred member nations throughout the world which are represented by the Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc (F.I.T.A) which is the international governing body for the sport. The Society's motto reads "Union, Trueheart and Courtesie" The distinction of a sport can be traced back to its lineage. Archery is a most ancient sport, a sport of both Kings and Queens and is today the only sport providing the official royal bodyguard to the monarch. The skilful use of the medieval longbow at Crecy (1346) and at Agincourt (1415) laid down its mark in the annals of history and today we retain that history and balance it alongside a modern Olympic sport." more
Archery Australia |   | " The sport of archery was introduced to Australia by the European settlers in the 18th and 19th centuries and is known to have been a flourishing social activity in the mid-1800s. However, it wasn't until the late 1930s that organised archery on an Australia-wide basis was first proposed by Dudley Preston, a leading archer in Western Australia. After an enforced interruption due to the Second World War, his proposal came to fruition at a conference of State delegates held in Sydney on 17-18 January, 1948. After the normal preliminaries, the first major item on the agenda was the motion that: "The Archery Association of Australia be and is hereby formed." This motion was carried and therefore has to be regarded as the official date of birth of the Association. The meeting went on to consider matters of national and international associations and competitions, including a resolution to affiliate with FITA the interantaiona archery federation. The first Annual General Meeting of the Association was held in Sydney on the same weekend as the first National Championships - 3,4,5 October 1948." more
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