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Falconry Falconry Centres |
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Falconry Centre | |
National Birds of Prey Centre |  |  | National Birds of Prey Centre achieves its conservation of birds of prey through Education, Captive Breeding, Research and Rehabilitation. Our methods for achieving this are on many levels. We aim to educate every visitor that comes through the gates. As many are only here for a day out, we try to make any education interesting, informative and fun. It is best achieved through our daily flying demonstrations, where between them, the birds and staff teach more than any written information can achieve... more
Raptor Center | 
 | " Established in 1974, The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine specializes in the medical care, rehabilitation, conservation, and study of eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons. In addition to treating more than 800 birds a year, we provide training in raptor medicine and surgery for veterinarians from around the world, reach more than 250,000 people each year through public education programs and events, and identify emerging issues related to raptor health and populations. The essence of our mission is to strengthen the bond between humans and birds, to improve the quality of life for both, and to contribute to the preservation of the natural world. The majority of our funding comes from private donations.
The Peregrine Fund |  The Peregrine Fund, is an organization founded in 1970 by Tom Cade who was then a Professor of Ornithology at Cornell University. The Peregrine Fund developed naturally from the shared concern of students and associates that the Peregrine Falcon might go extinct in the wild if nothing was done. Our initial work was to learn how to breed falcons in captivity, with the idea the young could be released in the wild to re-establish the Peregrine in the eastern United States where it was already gone and to bolster the greatly diminished western populations. Our name came from a financial account at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology -- the peregrine fund account... " more
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Cornish Birds of Prey |  | " The Cornish Birds of Prey Centre is situated on the A39 at Winnards Perch, halfway between St. Columb Major and Wadebridge and approximately 12 miles from Newquay in Cornwall. We have here at the Centre over 50 birds of prey for you to see, many of which take part in regular flying displays and participate in 'hands-on' experiences. We are able to cater for all ages and disabilities, as the Centre is set on open ground with a gentle slope and stunning views. With notification, we can organise group visits for both young and the not-so-young, and encourage participation in our 'Bird of Prey Days'. " ... more
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" The Falconry Centre is a medieval courtyard which houses over 200 falcons, hawks, eagles, owls, and vultures. The centre was designed and built for the breeding and research of rare and endangered raptors, while allowing visitors the closest possible viewing. "
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