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School of Falconry |
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The Hawking Centre | The Hawking Centre |  | 'Falconry Displays and Falconry Courses for events, corporate days and private tuition'
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Falconry Academy |  | " At The Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation, we believe that if falconry is to continue to grow and flourish the general public must be taught, through exposure, about both birds of prey and falconry. Hal Webster, a prominent American falconer says in his latest book, "Falconry, because of the small number of practitioners, will achieve strength and recognition ONLY through strong, central sports groups of dedicated individuals." At the Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation we believe the more people that understand the true nature of the sport the stronger the sport will be in the long term. The Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to The advancing of two principles, Understanding through Exposure and Excellence through Education. "
Falconry Experience | We are proud to be the West Coast's only school of falconry! "Located in Northern California, the purpose of The Falconry Experience is to provide a close up look at the world of falconry and the hawks, falcons, eagles, and owls that comprise it. We believe the words of Baba Dioum, who said: In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand.
We will understand only what we have been taught." more
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Birds of Prey |  |  | " Another exclusive program of Accipiter Enterprises, is the International Falconry Academy and Falconry one day Workshops. This comprehensive 3 day course is held in a country setting at a the Spirit of the Suwannee Campground in Live Oak, Florida (www.musicliveshere.com). Classes cover applicable laws & ethics, bird species, training techniques, bird temperament & safety, required equipment, and introducing your bird to the world of Falconry. Course includes textbook and gauntlet. "
Ireland's First School of Falconry | Falconry is an ancient art, reputed to be the oldest sport in the world. Originating in the Far East around 2000BC, as a means of catching food for yourself and your family, falconry spread Westwards reaching the shores of Europe long before the end of the first Millennium. By 1228, when Ashford Castle was built, falconry was well established in Ireland, not only amongst the nobility, but throughout the native Irish people too. As the next Millennium begins there can hardly be a more historic location to fly a hawk. Ireland's First School of Falconry gives you the chance to handle and fly our highly trained birds of prey in the grounds of Ireland's most prestigious and historic castle. The school specialises in falconry lessons using Harris hawks, a species renowned for their easy going temperament and unusually social nature. In addition to Harris hawks the school is home to a variety of eagles, owls, falcons and hawks, all of which have been specially bred in captivity and flown free daily. Falconry birds enjoy a cosseted lifestyle, away from the constant struggle for survival that their wild counterparts face each day.
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