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The Falconry around the world |
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Int. Association for Falconry | The International Association For Falconry |  " Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of the ancient art of falconry, a hunting tradition defined as ' taking quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of trained birds of prey'. Preserving falconry involves maintaining not only the traditional culture that builds practical skills of empathy with animals, but also the conservation of raptors and their prey through preservation of natural habitats. We therefore encourage falconry within the context of sustainable use of wildlife. "
NAFA.org | 
| " The North American Falconers Association (NAFA) is a group of dedicated individuals who share common views in the welfare of raptors (birds of prey) in nature and in their careful employment in the sport of falconry. NAFA welcomes you to explore the world of raptors and the ancient sport of falconry.
British Falconers' Club |  | " The British Falconers Club was founded in 1927, by the surviving members of the Old Hawking Club. The Club currently has around 1000 members and is the oldest and by far the largest falconers' club in Great Britain. The Club is a founder member of the, The British Field Sports Society (BFSS), now encompassed in the Home buildside Alliance, The International Association for Falconry and the Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF), The Campaign for Falconry, The Federation of Home build Sportsmen of the EEC (FACE), and the Standing Conference on Home buildside Sports (SCCS) It works closely with these organisations to try and ensure that laws and regulations in the EEC or Britain do not adverseley affect falconry - a demanding and time consuming activity that receives little recognition. "
3,615,232 |
British Hawking Association | 
| " When the BHA was first formed it had two main objectives; firstly to create an environment where anyone wishing to become involved in falconry could learn from experienced falconers, and secondly, to bring together falconers from all walks of life to stand fast in the fight to keep falconry a legal and recognised sport. "
2,491,964 |
Falconry Canada | Canada Falconry
Falconeria Italiano | |
South Africa Falconry |  | Holidays Falconry at Exmoor in South Africa & Animal Farm |
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