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Britannica.com |   | " Since the Encyclopædia Britannica's founding in 1768, Britannica editors have gathered and organized information on thousands of topics for easy retrieval. More than 200 years later, Encyclopædia Britannica is still the standard by which other reference works are judged. We invite you to explore this overview of Britannica products available for your home, school, library, or corporation, or browse additional products for consumers at Britannica Store. ... " more
Encyclopedia.com |  | " Encyclopedia.com, the Internet's premiere free encyclopedia, provides users with more than 57,000 frequently updated articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Each article is enhanced with links to newspaper and magazine articles as well as pictures and maps - all provided by eLibrary. eLibrary is the comprehensive digital archive for information seekers of all ages. You can search across 13 million documents from full-text newspaper and magazine articles, television and radio transcripts, international newswires, classic books, maps, photographs, as well as major works of literature, art and reference books. You'll find both current and historical events within the diverse eLibrary archive. Whether you're researching for school, writing a term paper, or simply looking to learn, Encyclopedia.com and eLibrary will provide you with very powerful tools. " more
Newadvent.org |   | "The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine. What the Church teaches and has taught; what she has done and is still doing for the highest welfare of mankind; her methods, past and present; her struggles, her triumphs, and the achievements of her members, not only for her own immediate benefit, but for the broadening and deepening of all true science, literature and art - - all come within the scope of the Catholic Encyclopedia. It differs from the general encyclopedia in omitting facts and information which have no relation to the Church. On the other hand, it is not exclusively a church encyclopedia, nor is it limited to the ecclesiastical sciences and the doings of churchmen. It records all that Catholics have done, not only in behalf of charity and morals, but also for the intellectual and artistic development of mankind. It chronicles what Catholic artists, educators, poets, scientists and men of action have achieved in their several provinces. In this respect it differs from most other Catholic encyclopedias. The Editors are fully aware that there is no specifically Catholic science, that mathematics, physiology and other branches of human knowledge are neither Catholic, Jewish, nor Protestant; but when it is commonly asserted that Catholic principles are an obstacle to scientific research, it seems not only proper but needful to register what and how much Catholics have contributed to every department of knowledge. "... more
Warscholar | THE WAR SCHOLAR | " WarScholar is an international directory for militaria, war related art and books, battle re-enactment equipment, military museums, historical sites and academic programs related to the general study of military history, conflict and battle. The listings on this web site are provided to the user for informational purposes only. A listing on this website is not and should not be construed as a recommendation of the vendor or company. If you undertake a business transaction with a business that you are unfamiliar with be careful and cautious; there are companies out there that are dishonest, unfair, or crooked. In other words, the listings on this web site should be treated as you would treat a business listing in a standard phone book. "
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